
Waste Generation and Characteristics

The purpose of this module is to learn about municipal solid waste generation, composition, and characteristics. Information provided in this module describes processes used to quantify waste generation, composition, and important physical and chemical waste characteristics.  Understanding the amount of waste generated and its composition and properties is critical to making informed decisions regarding the

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Thermal Conversion

The purpose of this module is for you to learn about different thermal conversion techniques and to ultimately perform basic waste combustion calculations. Information provided in this module describes different municipal solid waste thermal conversion processes, information about worldwide implementation of thermal conversion processes, and emissions from these processes. In addition, a framework used to

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Sustainable Waste Management

The purpose of this module is to learn about sustainability principles and how they apply to municipal solid waste management.  These principles are reinforce through case studies. Sustainable solid waste management involves socially-acceptable solutions that minimize environmental impacts and cost, and incorporate waste minimization, recycling, treatment, and landfill disposal practices.

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Solid Waste Collection

The purpose of this module is to introduce concepts in solid waste collection, including the types of vehicles used; issues in solid waste collection including private and public operations; modeling and characterization of solid waste collection; and alternative fuels and emissions for solid waste collection vehicles. Solid waste collection is a very important part of

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Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

The purpose of this module is to learn about municipal solid waste landfilling. Information will be provided that describes the components of a landfill, the processes which take place in a landfill, and basic landfill design. The majority of municipal solid waste both in the US and globally is placed in landfills. In developed countries,

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Material Recovery Facilities

The purpose of this module is to introduce the types of material recovery facilities and the equipment used in these facilities. When mixed recyclables are collected, they are taken to a facility known as a material recovery facility (MRF). At these facilities, recyclables are sorted, processed and baled for shipment to intermediate processors where they

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Landfill Leachate

The purpose of this module is for you to learn about leachate generation from a municipal solid waste landfill. You will study leachate quantity and quality and the factors that influence leachate. You will have a practical understanding of leachate treatment. Municipal solid waste leachate is a complex and highly concentrated wastewater. The characteristics of

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Landfill Gas Generation

The purpose of this module is to learn about landfill gas, including production rates, collection rates, and emissions. You will explore landfill gas modeling and landfill gas collection system design. As waste degrades anaerobically the organic components in the waste are converted primarily into carbon dioxide and methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas but

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